ETA: The carousel actually revolved.....for a while. The marine layer moved in and it was really damp last night, causing the belts to stretch out and slip gear.
It was a big success anyway. The pups were good, the trick or treaters were sweet and people were very complimentary and kind of sad to find out that this was our last year here. One woman told me that whenever they bring out the Halloween pictures to look at, her kids only want to see pictures of the pups through the years.
Yes, the medium size in the youth section. I have been wanting to use them for A couple of parents spotted that right away, and even recognized that they were from the 99 cent only store.
I love it TBM and I'm so happy we got to see it again. Is "the move" finally happening? How are the pups? Are you still showing?
Hey-good to see you!
We are awaiting news...DH's boss is in Japan asking permission for DH's dept to join the rest of the company at hdqrs in FL, so we should have a final answer shortly. Either way, we will be moving for sure.