Eliz.abeth was born Feb 4th at 7:10 am weighing 7 lb 4 oz, 20 1/4 inches long.
Wednesday morning around 430am I went to the hospital with contractions and was dilated to a 3.5. They had me walk around for awhile and checked me again and I was at 4.5 so they kept me. They had me walk around some more but my contractions pretty much stopped and when my midwife got there to check me she said I was between 3-4 and decided to send me home.
Later that night around 1130pm contractions started coming between 3-5 min and we're intense! We went back to the hospital and got into a room around 1am, I was 7 cm. I decided on the epidural (magical!). At some point they broke my water. At 4am I was 10cm and pushed a few times but decided to labor down. Around 5am I started pushing again for about two hours, omg so exhausting! Then she was here! I'm so in love