DH and I got married in South Africa when we were both 25. We were the third ones in our group to get married and 2 other couples have got married after us. We are all now 30. So I think we were average age. My BFF in SA got married when her and her DH were both 21, but they had both travelled already, had blooming careers and done degrees. They are both over achievers and almost 10 years later they are still happily married and own something like 5 businesses and just as many houses, travel on a regular basis (their last trip took them to the Malaysia Grand Prix and cooking classes in Thailand) and still have a happy child.
Inspired by all the stats I looked up the ones for entire NL (so farm country/little education factored in, which I didn't take inti consideration in my earlier post.) Avg age for women to get married is 29.9. Avg age to have 1st child for women 29.3.