Post by discogranny on May 12, 2013 15:43:40 GMT -5
There's a decent chance I will DD this, so please don't quote.
I had a pretty spectacular breakdown last night. DH and I had a tear filled talk about everything and I think there is a good chance I am depressed. I just haven't been able to fully come back after the miscarriage. I have started to recognize a lot of destructive behavior and just a complete lack of caring about much of anything, which is all unusual for me. DH and I discussed it and I am not sure anti-depressants are something I feel comfortable with but I need to do something.
Have any of you done counseling for IF and if so, did it help? How did you find someone?
Oh, Disco. I'm so sorry. I'm going back and forth on this right now.
I'd call your healthcare insurance provider and ask if they have any recommendations in your network. If you have an EAP through work, try there too. If neither of these, honestly, my next suggestion is Google and/or Yelp. There are therapists out there that specialize in IF. I hope you're able to find one soon.
I deal with anxiety off and on. It got so bad last year H kept asking me to go talk to a doctor about it. I brushed it off until I realized I was starting to feel depressed too. I originally made the appt with the psychologist because I couldn't control my anxiety, but I ended up sharing my IF issues too. It did help to talk to her about it.
I don't take medication for my anxiety because i don't like relying on pills if I can help it. But if your considering talking to someone, I think it would be a good idea. I'm sorry your dealing with disco. Anxiety/depression is no joke. Please don't be like me and let it go until its effected every inch if your life. I still deal with anxiety, but I like knowing if it gets out of control again, I have a doctor I can call to get in with.
Lots of hugs, discogranny. I don't have any real advice but I feel like I could've written that same post. My latest breakdown and talk with H was this morning and he brought up the depression/counseling thing. It just made me cry more but I can't really argue with him.
I have to call my OB tomorrow to schedule my RPL testing so I'm going to ask the nurse if they can recommend someone. I also know (from my welcome packet from the last pg...gah!) that my hospital has a support group twice a month. I don't think that's exactly what I need right now but I'm thinking of maybe going to one just to feel it out and get some more recommendations or something. I don't know though.
BTW: My GP referred me to one. And she's amazing. You could ask your regular doctor if you have one, but your OB/RE may even be able to tell you a good one in your area. They may not do a referral but thy may know who is good.
Hugs, discogranny. I haven't sought counseling, but sometimes I think I should. I feel the same way you do about things - general disinterest, numb, can't get it up for anything. Good for you for recognizing this and taking a step towards change.
I would check to see if your RE has recommendations for counselors that specialize in IF. If not, check to see if your insurance or network have a nurse direct line. They can give you your available options.
ilovecandy, not sure what form of tricare you have but prime does cover it. I got a referral from my MTF doctor for a psychologist off base. Every appt has been covered completely.
ilovecandy, not sure what form of tricare you have but prime does cover it. I got a referral from my MTF doctor for a psychologist off base. Every appt has been covered completely.
I have prime but am seen off base. Good to know, I will call my doctor tomorrow about it. H and I were just talkinf a few days ago about me seeing a therapist
Post by discogranny on May 12, 2013 18:05:03 GMT -5
Thank you ladies. It helps so much to be able to out this out there in a place where others can relate.
I checked our insurance and (unsurprisingly) we will be out of pocket but it's worth it for me. I will call the RE tomorrow to ask if he has any recs, thanks for the suggestion.
Hugs Disco. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year now. It has been really helpful and I was in maintenance but I'll probably rev back up my appts. after this past cycle. I've dealt with depression and anxiety for over 10 years so all of my issues aren't IF related but that's the bulk of my therapy session discussions. I'm glad to hear you're going to pursue it. I hope it helps you like it has helped me. Good luck.
Post by awkwardpenguin on May 12, 2013 23:43:58 GMT -5
I see a therapist for anxiety, but we sometimes touch on fertility/IF stuff. I was really lucky because I found her by Googling "anxiety CBT mycity", but she happens to be a lesbian who has been through fertility treatments.
Your RE will almost certainly have someone to refer you to. Our RE's office actually has a psychologist on staff who you can talk to, and she can refer you out if it's something she thinks needs further treatment. Even if talking to someone about IF isn't covered, with new mental health parity laws, there's a good chance therapy would be covered for any mental health diagnosis such as depression or "adjustment disorder with depressed mood" (which is the term for you're depressed over something in your life but don't have major depression).
I don't have much more than ((hugs)) to offer, discogranny - I'm so sorry you're going through this.
I have anxiety/depression issues. I talk so someone every 3 weeks (was every week when I first started talking to her 4 years ago). Talking is a huge help for me. I hope it can help you. Recognizing you might need some help is a big step (I also think it shows you're trying to take care of yourself - that's important!). Asking your RE for recs is a good place to start.
I have not but I think seeing a counselor would help. When I first started with the IF process a friend of mine said she was on depression meds while TTC b/c she had 2 m/c and needed medical help to get pregnant. She told me to look into it and I ignored it. I now totally get why she did. I have been very close to talking to someone but just not at that point yet. I have a lot of friends who have gone thru IF and they are my source for now. The struggles we face suck and sometimes it's good to vent it all out to someone and they might have ways of coping with it.
I had a breakdown to H when we decided to take a break from trying before doing an IUI. I told him I needed him on board because I felt totally alone. Guys sometimes don't get it and I felt like we got a lot closer after that.
MH sees a therapist who specializes in infertility counseling. We also see a marriage counselor who focuses on couples dealing with infertility issues. One is in our health insurance network and the other is out of network. MH was able to negotiate with the out of network provider to reduce her rate, which is nice because the therapy bills are a lot.
I made an appointment with someone for Friday afternoon, so we'll see how it goes!
I'm glad to hear you're seeing someone. I think therapy is almost always a good decision, and it sounds so in your case. Hugs to you in the meantime.
I don't see anyone myself, but my MIL is a therapist. I've been able to open up to her about a few things, which has really helped me. It's like a really supportive girlfriend who knows what to say in a non-judgmental, clarifying tone. If I had the leisure to see a real therapist, it would be even better. I'm sure it will be the same with you too. Sometimes, you just need a sounding board. Other times, you need professional help to guide you through a really, rough patch. I hope you get through yours.