Post by wanderlustmom on Dec 16, 2013 21:43:39 GMT -5
I am so sorry Tacom! It's totally different since its my child, but DS (8) has serious asthma and has been hospitalized. I used to get jealous of friends whose kids outgrew it. Honestly, we both have trauma symptoms when they take his pulse oxygen reading. Having an awesome doctor, following her recommendations to the letter and measuring progress very very slowly has helped. It's so frustrating to deal with the futility of the situation and the fears. We are here for you!
I am so sorry Tacom! It's totally different since its my child, but DS (8) has serious asthma and has been hospitalized. I used to get jealous of friends whose kids outgrew it. Honestly, we both have trauma symptoms when they take his pulse oxygen reading. Having an awesome doctor, following her recommendations to the letter and measuring progress very very slowly has helped. It's so frustrating to deal with the futility of the situation and the fears. We are here for you!
Post by jerseyjaybird on Dec 16, 2013 23:13:48 GMT -5
Oh, tacom. I'm so sorry to hear this---you really need and deserve a break from this nonsense. I know it's totally impossible, but try not to think/worry too much about the specifics of the future.
My vents are gross but I'll add in case they at all make you feel better: I have pink eye, thrush (fungal infection of the nipple), two huge wounds on my heels (long story) and got my period today. I am also bleeding from my nips because Ella has been biting me (she is also the source of the thrush).
We have had the holidays planned since before Halloween. This year my MIL hosted Thanksgiving and we said since it's E's first Christmas we would host a brunch around 11 at our house.
My fuckingselfishbastard BIL called DH this morning saying the time doesn't work for them and can we move it. No you asshole, we can't move it. This is the time that works best for everyone (well until you decided it didn't). He claims one of SIL's kids (blended family, multiple marriages) needs to be at his dad's house at 12 and one of her other kids doesn't want to come and spend the day with his girlfriend.
I basically told DH on the phone very loudly that if they couldn't show up, then they weren't getting gifts and we'll see them when we see them.
BIL then called MIL and asked her to come by their house and first and that she could heat up the casserole she's bringing to our house IN THEIR FUCKING OVEN!
DH told MIL if she goes to BIL's first, she's not welcome at our home 2nd. We have been catering to them for the last 6 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of it. This is my child's first Christmas. The live down the street, like 10 minutes away. They couldn't in the last 2 months get their shit together to be there for her first Christmas?
DH said he talked to MIL who is going to tell BIL no, but who knows if she'll stick to her guns. DH hasn't called FIL yet.
The worst part of all of this is my father is having surgery on Friday again. He's had a lot of issues since having a detached retina a couple years ago and his cataract lens fell and they are going in to fix it. I talked to him yesterday and he's MORE WORRIED about making E's first Christmas than his surgery.
Honestly if it weren't her first Christmas, we would just go to my parents house. DH is so upset with his family.
Honestly if it weren't her first Christmas, we would just go to my parents house. DH is so upset with his family.
I hope BIL doesn't come at all now.
I seriously feel for you! We are dealing with a similar situation where our Christmas plans have been made for a long time and now my MIL is giving my husband a hard time. We have an added issue where we are not even allowed to travel since my DS1 is going through chemo and is not allowed more than an hour from the hospital. My MIL lives SEVEN hours away but thinks it isn't a big deal for us to be seven hours from Owen's doctors and hospital. She lives two hours from the nearest hospital. Owen has been inpatient for 80% of the last 5 months but she thinks there is NO risk of him needing to go the hospital since it is Christmas and we are being unreasonable because we won't pick up and travel to her. She is retired and there is no reason for her not to come viist if she wants to.
I have seriously been in a rage about this and finally just told my DH not to tell me about what she says because it will just upset me further. This is also the woman that tried to tell me how to do everything with Owen in the beginning, like flushing his lines and changing his dressings, etc. She has no medical training or knowledge about anything. Yep, like I am going to take her advice over the trained professionals. Thankfully my husband is the most mellow person on earth and he literally just laughs at her and tells her no everytime she says something.
Good Luck ssmjlm hopefully my MIL and FIL stand behind you and don't bow to your BIL's BS.
car.ramrod, I can't believe your MIL. Your son's treatment should 100% come first.
If it wasn't so ridiculous it would seriously be funny but she is so serious about wanting us to come. How a grown ass adult cannot understand that we are not allowed given the situation is crazy. It is like she seriously thinks that there is no way he could possibly end up back in the hospital on Christmas. Apparently his body should magically know it is Christmas so it will start functioning correctly:) He was in the hospital for his birthday, Thanksgiving, and will be in for New Years why is Christmas any different? We don't care it doesn't bother us to be there, it doesn't bother him. He is 5 and acts more maturely about it than she does! All he asked me is if Santa would find him in the hospital if he is there. Hell yeah Santa will find him
I took off last Friday to do some Xmas shopping and run errands (got DS' haircut again and SHORT this time. It looks SO cute). Then we find out that GMIL (DH's dad's mom) has passed away. We were going to visit FIL on Saturday, 3 hours away, for the weekend, but we always stay with MIL's fam (they're LONNNNNNNNNNG divorced). So we stay with MIL's sis Sat/Sun night and all is well with that visit. We sit with FIL Sat/Sun to just spend time with him and let DS interact with him. The funeral & wake are on Monday. It is the usual, tense, ishtshow with FIL's family. I just cannot stand that Suthun Charm type of backhanded BS. "Oh, are you pg again? FIL's sister said she thought you were!!" OK, CreamPuff. Keep your bitchy comments to yourself. And things like "Do you even REMEMBER ME?" Yes, Carla. You're kind of hard to forget. ^o) (as in "you never visit!" THAT IS INTENTIONAL. I DON'T LIKE YOUR FAMILY) This is all occuring at the wake. I am like "can you rednecks keep the gossiping to a minimum IN LIGHT OF THE FUNERAL WE ARE ALL ATTENDING?", but no. That seems like far to much to ask for. I told people "NO. Pg tried to kill me. We need to wait until DS is 2 before I'm medically cleared to try again".
I've had autoimmune issues my whole life. One set of symptoms made my life hell at regular intervals for years. Then I found a new doctor who decided to try me on a new med and it is a night and day difference. My issues aren't nearly as severe as yours, but finding that drug after years of pain made me feel so much more hopeful for what will come in the future. My fingers are crossed that you can find the right combo for you.