I am sure you are all sick of these posts by now but I have a question and I have tried googling and I can't seem to find a straight answer. I ran a half marathon almost exactly a month ago and there is another half coming up in my area in 2 and a half weeks. I have still been running 3-4 miles 2x a week and I just started back my longer runs this past saturday but we only did 4 miles. Am I crazy for trying to do another half in 2 weeks without any other longer runs?
Yeah only my 2nd. I am training with my running partner for her to do another half in June but we'll only be up to 6 miles in a couple weeks which doesn't even cover half of the half. Plus I'm not sure I can squeeze 70.00 out of my budget right now to register so it might be best to sit this one out and wait for my next half in November. I'm just itching to do another one and the next one isn't in my area until November. At least I have a few 10k's to look forward to
If you haven't registered for it yet I wouldn't do it.
If you've already paid set your expectations really low and have fun with it - you already know you can go the distance, just ignore anything pace related.