Anyone else see this last night, or planning on seeing it this week? We went yesterday and it was super fun. We counted the Goku t-shirts in the audience, there were at least 10 in a 200 seat auditorium...which was full! I wore my dragon ball skirt I got off Etsy It was so fun to watch with a whole theater full of fans!
They aren't showing it here or I would have dragged H to see it. He makes fun of my Dragon Ball Z love.
Awww that sucks!
You know, as you might expect, there were a lot more guys than girls in the theater But the girls there seemed like they really enjoyed it and were not just dragged along, so I guess that's good.
As soon as we got out of the theater we checked to see when it would be released on blu-ray! So far they haven't announced a release date, but I think the copy the theater had actually was on blu-ray itself (there was a little "Input: PC" bubble up on the screen when they started it up, lol). Hopefully soon