Go to the top and click where it says "Profile". Then on the next screen, just below the blue bar, it says "Member's Profile - Modify Profile - Someotherstuff" - click "Modify Profile" and on the next screen it will let you change your signature.
I have to figure out how to do all this with the signatures etc. I want my pregnancy ticker! since I will be pregnant forever apparently.
Not to freak you out, but I went 10 days past my due date with my first, 5 with my second. Due dates are bullshit in my completely unbiased opinion.
YOU HUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL. They did schedule me for an induction for Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (when I'll be a week late) bc they think he is around 10 pounds currently (and I know everyone will say THOSE ARE SO INACCURATE!) but three different people - two docs and the sonographer - have pegged him around the same range, soooo I'm okay with the induction LOL. Especially at 41 weeks. Hopefully he comes this weekend though, right?!?
LOL. They did schedule me for an induction for Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (when I'll be a week late) bc they think he is around 10 pounds currently (and I know everyone will say THOSE ARE SO INACCURATE!) but three different people - two docs and the sonographer - have pegged him around the same range, soooo I'm okay with the induction LOL. Especially at 41 weeks. Hopefully he comes this weekend though, right?!?
I was induced at 41w3d and baby girl popped out at 10lbs8oz - so yeah, at 41w I would be okay with the induction too.