Dude, if you're going to say that you never said TNR doesn't work, then you should probably make sure you actually said TNR doesn't work. And you can't get mad when people are all aflutter about you thinking killing cats is an acceptable option when you do, in fact, think killing cats is an acceptable option. And if you don't think TNR works, then you think it's the ONLY option, unless you offer up something else, which hasn't be done yet.
I disagree. I think that it's reasonable to be frustrated when people don't understand the reality of something. I don't think she presented her thoughts in a very nice way, but I do think boxerdog is basically saying the same thing pixy0stix is saying - TNR isn't always the answer, sometimes euthanasia is and it's not pleasant, but that's the reality. Either of those posters, please feel free to correct me if I'm putting words in your mouths.
ETA: I don't like the idea of any animals being killed either. But I also don't like the idea of them starving or being hit by cars or other unpleasant things. The real solution is to just kill all the humans who are invading and fucking up the environment. But that's not going to happen so...
I think we've reached the portion of the thread where people are just talking at each other, though. I think in the beginning the ideas weren't articulated succinctly and that's why we're here.
Caucasians are an invasive species so I think all of us who are in that category should step up and volunteer to be TNR'd and/or euthanized. It's the least we can do for the ecosystem.
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny
Caucasians are an invasive species so I think all of us who are in that category should step up and volunteer to be TNR'd and/or euthanized. It's the least we can do for the ecosystem.
I already TNR'd myself and DH. And I didn't even get the aforementioned pumpkin spice crap, damnit.
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny
That article doesn't say that TNR doesn't work. It says that to be more effective, immigration needs to be controlled.
Right. I never said it DOES NOT work, just it is a complicated issue. And that if situations call for euthanasia rather than TNR, those people shouldn't be labeled psychopaths.
The article also talked about issues like, when it becomes known that cats are being fed, people start dumping more cats in, thus keeping the colony going.
It also references a bunch of other studies, but I don't have time to go through them all.
FTR, I called the people that the previous poster said TRAP AND THEN KILL the cats ("most people she knows") psychopaths. Would you prefer disgusting, cruel imbeciles instead?
People cannot dump cats into an established feral colony through TNR groups. It doesn't work that way. Again, you have no clue what you are talking about.
I know you're kidding, but I think they have tried birth control in food distributed to feral colonies. There's no way to control the dose that each cat gets though, and the idea has largely been dropped.
Listen, man, you work to save birds. And one of the primary predators of birds is apparently cats. So while I'm sure you think you're being very objective about this, you're not. Cats are killing off what you're trying to protect. You don't want free roaming cats around. You don't think TNR works. That really leaves two options: gather up all the feral cats and give them to shelters, where they will probably be put down because they can't be adopted out. Or gather up all the feral cats and just straight put them down.
You haven't given any other options, other than saying what does work is putting them down and what doesn't work is everything else.
You're right, I'm not as objective about this. But no one else in this thread is, either. If it were any other animal that people are emotionally attached to (hence, the python example), then nobody would have a problem with euthanasia.
Also, saying studies have shown something =/= saying something is fact. I tried really hard to make that distinction. There are studies going both ways- but it has been accepted as fact that TNR works by a lot of people in this thread. And that using any other method makes one a "psychopath".
Well, unfortch, you keep embarrassing yourself. What TNR groups do for feral cats has nothing to do with people releasing personal pet pythons that decimate mammal populations! There isn't even an indirect connection, really. And for the second time, "psychopath" was only used in reference to all of pandorica's friends who KILL THE CATS AFTER TRAPPING THEM.
Some cats go to football games. Probably not feral ones though.
Ha! This happened at the Saint's game last Thursday, she's an emotional support cat, although she was freaked out and they had to leave, SHOCKING!!
The cat was freaked out, not the owner.
Lastly, I understand sometimes euthanasia has to occur, I'd reluctantly support it if it was done by professionals (vets) and if they had really good data to support why it had to be done.
I think this thing went off the rails when pandorica said her friends trap and kill, THAT is not euthanasia, that is someone being a lunatic. That was how this whole mess started.
I know. He plans on bringing the cat back because we won. I'm not sure that's the best thing for the cat, though the Saints need whatever help they can get.
Abstinence only education works as well with cats as it does with people.
"Fluffy, you should save yourself for marriage. If Mister Pickles loves you as much as he says, he'll wait until this union is sanctified and blessed to engage in fornication."
Caucasians are an invasive species so I think all of us who are in that category should step up and volunteer to be TNR'd and/or euthanized. It's the least we can do for the ecosystem.
DH and I are helping to save our ecosystem by choosing not to reproduce (next time MIL asks when we're having kids I'm telling her this). You're welcome, Earth.