STOP IT. Come on. This is absurd. It is not right to make accusations in the absence of ANY evidence. And if someone needs an explanation about circumstantial evidence, and how this is NOTHING like someone sending Smo penises that had been mentioned on ML on the same day there was a nasty racial debate, feel free to ask.
I just don't understand why the questions about the dentist in Maryland are being completely ignored.
I'd really prefer not to get shut down for sharing/confirming/denying personal information about a buyer that was only available to me as a seller.
I just think it's important to note that it's that guy (or that you've figured out who it is) so that the accusations against board members don't continue. If that's the case. That's all.
Don't start snipping at squirrelly for sharing. She was practically ordered to.
She shouldn't have brought it up to begin with if she couldn't tell the full story. I mean, come in. This is like me saying "I've had calls from John Smith asking me to take him on as a client; he sounded really weird though . . . It might have been Boobie. Oh, well, not Boobie because she's in Canda. But one of her friends. . . . OK, if you insist, I think it was Kevin Arnold. Because the person said he was a man but he sounded like a woman. Oh. Well, I guess the IP info doesn't check out so maybe it's not Kevin but who knows. Actually, it was probably Boobie, because the call came from Washington and that's super close to Canada. Suspicious timing. . . . .OH NOES I couldn't possibly comment on whether it was the John Doe who lives in Washington, it would be a violation of the Terms of Use to identify my purchasers."
I fail to understand why Squirly NOW thinks the Etsy ToU bar her from providing information about purchasers when, previously, she was more than happy to identify Boobie or Kevin Arnold as potential purchasers. There's no carve out under Etsy rules for buyers who leave you negative reviews or who are on a forum with you or whom you only suspect of being buyers. Either she can disclose info about her buyers or she cannot.
But once you confirmed that it was not Kevin, why bother bringing up her name at all?
I hear what everyone is saying regarding trying to clean up the behavior of the board and not tolerating bullying, but we are getting to the point where it just seems to be an airing of grievances. Which is anyone's right to do, I suppose, but I don't like that it's all getting lumped into the much more serious behavior we have been discussing on these boards as of late.
Squirrelly, I really like and appreciate you, but I don't understand what you are/were looking for in this post. I tried to be helpful and I feel like it was ignored and blown off.
STOP IT. Come on. This is absurd. It is not right to make accusations in the absence of ANY evidence. And if someone needs an explanation about circumstantial evidence, and how this is NOTHING like someone sending Smo penises that had been mentioned on ML on the same day there was a nasty racial debate, feel free to ask.
THIS is not that. This is just . . . Come on.
I did not initially state who I thought it was. Once I heard back from a mod, I stated who I thought it was and why. I also stated that the user-supplied information I have does not match the information of that poster.
KA followed me around for quite a while making comments meant to reference my finances, without care for what that implied or if it hurt my "feelings" or whatever. Okay, she has the right to do that and I ignored it. But do you feel I owe her more consideration than she showed me?
And, if "it is not right to make accusations in the absence of ANY evidence," why then did you like the post when booby accused me of being a catfish just trying to get money out of the board without any evidence? Granted, she used that sorta/kinda/maybe/possibly language that would technically leave her room to backtrack, but I don't think anyone was under any illusion as to the intent of her post. And months later when someone asked where I had been during the Christmas rush, and I popped back on because I had been berbled, you had stuck your head into the post to ask if I had been around since the GFM thread, which tells me you were probably pretty invested in your like of Booby's GFM post. You know, that didn't have any evidence.
Oh hell no. You are not going to try and tar me the way you tried to trash Kevin.
Look. I understand you've been through a lot, and Boobie upset you, and I understand why you took this as an opportunity to get even with her. And that's all fine. But this is not a free pass for you to lash out at people. And if you really want to go there with me, I'll go there, and I'll list the reasons I liked Boobie's post- all of which I stand by. I am not going to do that now because I don't think it's the time, but I have a laundry list of facts I'm happy to share if you really want to know the answer.