It has been really hot here - 90 degrees in SW PA! Friday night, DD had softball practice. Then she had a double header on Saturday at 10am. The game was against my niece's team. The teams were pretty evenly matched, but we had one bad inning that cost us the game. The girls had fun, but were exhausted by the time the games were done. DD then went to my niece's sleepover party. DH and I took the boys out to dinner and relaxed at home. On Sunday, we headed to my parents' place to help them set up their internet stuff. Then we came home and watched a movie and had a lazy dinner of leftovers. I would love to take a day off this week, but I don't know if that is going to happen...there is too much to do at work.
So Friday, I think I wrote already got the tent waterproofed for boy scout camp out. Sat, I worked. I had a couple of people come in for interviews, and I think I found one I like, so that is good. One more interview tomorrow.
Sunday was boy scouts rocket launch. H took DS. I realize I made a mistake in texting my neighbor a picture of the tent because now she thinks I am doing the camp out instead of H. So basically the neighbor is guilt tripping me into it. I think I lost the epic who is taking DS to boy scout camp out battle (no actual fighting involved, just negotiations). Thanks a lot neighbor. It's the same day as his birthday party, so I am going to be a little looney that day.
Sunday was dinner out with a friend, H's old co-worker. And H wanted us all to go, OK dinner out fun, social, no problem. It turned out to be an awkward say good bye from old job never going to see you again co-worker closure dinner, and yes life sucks now that H is gone. Thanks a lot H for dragging me to that- you could have gone alone since I never met the guy before- ugh men!!
Also, I think it was more awkward since I went with the kids since we as a family have a mostly good relationship, but past co-worker is fighting with his teenage son who is battling substance abuse and had a lot of issues.
I am not saying, we are perfect because we obviously are not, but I don't think the kids being there helped at all. It seemed painful for him, not that he said as much but he was just kind of like let's get this over with. Just the way he talks about his kid is very different than we do- his dialogue about his kid is a lot more negative. It just seemed IDK tone deaf on H's part to bring us.
I'm off to London tonight. And I have a cold and feel awful. Just have to get through the day. At this point, I'm looking forward to the flight where hopefully I can pass out in those nice pod things.
Weekend was ok. Caught up with a girlfriend from my old city last night and that was fun. I really need to start making friends here! We've been here for 5 months and I have yet to make a friend. But I don't even know where to start. It's not like I have free time to pursue any hobbies. I was hoping we'd make friends through DS's activities but so far everyone is just dropping their kid off at activities so I haven't connected with anyone yet. If anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears!
Do you run at all? Or want to? I've met a lot of awesome women through Moms Run This Town/She Runs This Town (MRTT/SRTT) if there's a local chapter near you.
MRTT is a great way to meet folks. It took me a lot of "dates" with other moms, but I found my running partner through it, and she's been a constant in my life for the last 3 years, even though I'm not running as much. It's not the same relationship that I have with my other friends, but I'm totally okay with it.
We have been flirting with the idea of moving, and I have this dream that I can move somewhere, work less, and devote more time to running and make all my friends through MRTT. I'm officially weird.
Post by katrine05 on Sept 25, 2017 16:54:56 GMT -5
Trying to keep my life organized is currently a second full time job. I've been swamped today. Good thing actual work isn't that busy so I can get stuff done.
DS refused to go to bed last night, took 3 hours! I'm exhausted.
I just want to go home but I have to swing by our rental to show it. We need it rented so we need to make it a priority.
DD's football team won 20-0 but coach was pissed because there was an interception. He is a hoot to watch. Thuper therious. That makes her team 3-0 though which is much better than her usual teams that lose every game 20-0. I am actually impressed with DD for doing what she is told. I know next to nothing about football but apparently position and formation are very important so I am shocked she isn't getting flags thrown every play. She even pulled a kid's flags (like, the kind you're supposed to get in flag football lol) and ran the ball and got a few yards.
Spent 5 hours with DD's bio brother and his mom yesterday. That is good. But she was pissed that I wouldn't let her stay and watch his baseball practice (aka interfere, beg to play, etc), and it was only at bedtime when I asked why she was having such a hard time that she told me that was why. She was remorseful (surprising!) when I said we were with him 5 hours. So there is that.
All morning was spent in an overly detailed orientation. Then my boss was busy so two of my new coworkers took me out to lunch. Chatted with my boss briefly and set up my laptop. Then at 3:00 my group and another group we work with had an "offsite" at a bar. That was a great way to break the ice with a lot of people, but it ran late. I eventually broke out of there at 5:15, only to get stuck in bad traffic. Our new daycare is a stickler for late pickup fees, so I ended up having to call my parents at the last minute and have them pick up the boys since I was going to be at least a few minutes late. I guess I will have to have a really hard stop at 5:00 going forward.
Overall, I really liked everyone. It will be quite the cultural adjustment for me. At my old company, I was the youngest person and one of the few women that whole time I was there. Here, other than my boss, the other 4 people on my team are all women. And the other department we work with is all women (7 or 8 people). Most of them are early to mid thirties, like me.
Slightly amusing tidbit: One of the four women on my team has the same first name as me. We even both spell it "Sara". The way the team is structure, she and I are the only people at our title level. We are the same age and both attended local area Catholic schools. She went to the same college as my younger sister and lived in the same dorm. She also has two young kids. I think we are going to get along very well, but there is going to be a lot of confusion around how to differentiate us.
Great start, saraml13! It's also a good sign they took you to lunch AND all left early to take you to happy hour. That has only happened places I actually liked.