A's step mother sent a word document to the family with a laundry list of things for the two dinners and photo sessions she's preparing for this weekend. We are to wear NEUTRAL COLORS such as brown, tan, gray or blue and NOT CHRISTMAS COLORS. I have a very pretty emerald green dress I wore for a recent friend's wedding that I wanted to wear so I'm just going to wear it even though it's CHRISTMAS COLORS. If we want to provide props for the pictures, that may be acceptable?
She has the schedule planned to time of arrival and departure and everything in between. I think I need to fill my xanax before this trip. Otherwise, hopefully we'll get the stressful two days out of the way first and the rest of the holidays should be okay.
Mine is how strange this Christmas is going to be. My In-Laws sold their house and are now traveling the country in an RV. We usually spend it at their house. Now we are going over to celebrate on Christmas (the 23rd) at their neighbor's house who are out of town and said we could stay there. H and I rented a hotel. That's just too weird. Originally We offered up our house since we have enough space for everyone and one brother is actually close by, but H's Dad won't come into the city, one BIL has custody things with his ex wife so couldn't bring all of his kids. So now my other BIL who has dogs can only stay part of the day because he doesn't want to bring them to a stranger's house and/or leave them all day. It's become a weird Christmas and I'm not really looking forward to celebrating Christmas at a stranger's house that isn't home, has cats (H is allergic.) Lastly it's a pot luck affair so I'm transporting two dishes and a pie.
Next H and I are then driving 3 hours back through the city to go down to my family and celebrate on Christmas Eve. It should be ok. I hope. The past few years I've spent every other Thanksgiving or Christmas on vacation. The in-law shuffle is just not fun anymore.
Post by bullygirl979 on Dec 19, 2017 15:54:12 GMT -5
OMG, doglove, that if the woman wasn't serious it'd be hysterical. Please snap a picture of her face when she sees your emerald dress, pleaseandthankyou.
Mostly I'm just stressing about getting everything done before I leave. I'm trying to pick my plane outfit, decide which sweaters to take, etc. In some ways I feel like I'm over-packing. Right now I've identified 5 sweaters to take. I'm going to be there for 8 days.
Post by bullygirl979 on Dec 19, 2017 15:57:10 GMT -5
My only gripe is really just how busy it is going to be. Both of P's brothers and my brother are all in town the same time. It's going to be days and days of just chaotic family get-togethers.
OMG, doglove , that if the woman wasn't serious it'd be hysterical. Please snap a picture of her face when she sees your emerald dress, pleaseandthankyou.
I wish I could show you a copy of the word document. I have never seen ANYTHING like it before. I was like - is this a joke? A's sisters didn't even read it! They all are already on to her shenanigans.
Post by udscoobychick on Dec 19, 2017 16:35:25 GMT -5
Hope the Xanax comes through in time, doglove! That sounds really odd, neonpink. I hope your H's allergies don't act up.
I've already griped about my parents and Christmas, so I won't rehash it. I keep swinging from one extreme of wanting to be all CHRISTMAS!! to make up for it and make sure it's still special for DH and I, to wanting to say "eff it" and order Chinese takeout. It's tiring, and my type A personality does not like not having a plan.
No gripes just stress. 30 people for my 7 fish dinner ahhhh@ I am off from bridal shop on Saturday so that helps a lot. Stefan will help a lot too. My X isn't coming this year because he has to work and since he is a chef he helped A LOT!
Danilo comes home tomorrow for 5 days !!! YAY
And I get to see doglove and tiramisu so who could complain?
I would wear the green dress and keep on trucking with life but thats me and my attitude of giving most things a middle finger in lately so feel free to ignore me lol.
That's my plan! No one's going to tell me what to wear. I'm establishing that EARLY.