shauni27 sorry you had a rough week. I'm weaning from zoloft but take 25mg every other day. I once skipped 2 days and was a wreck for a week so I hear you, even at my small dose
shauni27, is he teething? Any chance he needs tylenol or motrin? The other thing I was thinking is maybe he needs a schedule tweak - what's his nap schedule and bedtime routine?
We spent the last couple of days down the shore. E did so much better than I was expecting. I thought she would flip her shit about sleeping in the pack and play, but she did pretty well, considering we couldn't get the temperature in the room figured out and the air conditioner sounded like a freaking jet engine every 10 minutes. She loved the beach, and kept crawling right towards the ocean. She was all smiles for my family and even let my sister pick her up. I'm so happy she loved it!!
I thought I'd be able to just be relaxed TTC#2 for a few months casually and now it's causing me some stress. It shouldn't. I just want to have unprotected sex and see what happens and I'm already finding myself being all crazy counting days and wanting to buy things like pomegranate juice. UGH.
thoseareradishes, I don't think it is teething that is causing it since it has been so consistent for over a month now. The good news is he did great last night--woke once and whimpered for a minute or two but then fell back to sleep until about 6:45! I also would doubt it is his naps--except that I think he is over tired because he naps like complete shit at daycare.
ok, help me out: S was sleep trained at 8 months. Did great. We did full CIO--put him in his crib at bedtime and did not go back in until morning. He would occasionally wake up in the night for a few minutes and cry, but since then was STTN great.
For some reason about a month ago he started waking in the night. He was a bit sick so instead of letting him CIO we would go in and cuddle him. Then immediately after that sickness, we had company for 11 days and when he woke in the night we did not want the entire house of guests to wake up as well, so again, in to cuddle back to sleep.
Well now it has been a month and he is waking up NIGHTLY screaming. We have gone a week letting him CIO. He is just screaming his little head off, so sad sounding. Some nights he will stop after an hour (!!!) and some nights he has gone from 3 am until time to wake up. I went in again last night after 30 minutes because he was just not calming down at all and he whimpers in my arms and is shaking, etc. He calms down pretty quickly but when I put him back in bed he starts crying again (even if he has fallen asleep in my arms).
What gives? How do we fix this? I hate letting him CIO right now because it really seems to be taking a toll on him :/
Is he teething? I would give Motrin, rock and put him Back down. Hugs