Oh, I got asked if I was “graced” by a random dude Wednesday. Followed by him demonstrating a pregnancy with his arms. I just told him no, and never ask a woman that. It was after I ate pizza for lunch that bloated me. I’ve been really down in the dumps about my weight anyhow, so thanks rando. Between 2 IVF cycles and a surgery in 2018, I am the heaviest I have ever been. My Fitness Pal, here I come, AGAIN.
Dude, screw that guy. Who the hell calls is being “graced”? That is so icky. Don’t give him another thought!
Yeah, I was like “what?” and that’s when he used his arms to demo. Idiot.
I took a picture my last pregnancy when I should have been 7 weeks pregnant and another picture 2 weeks later and I look like I did at 20 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I’m not sure if it’s because I have been eating my feelings or the miscarriage but I have been hiding at home for over a week now because I am terrified to go out of the house. 😞
Some good news is that my beta was down to 350(ish) today. (Down from above 10,000) So I get to do one more beta on March 11th, to see how much it has come down. If it’s below 10 I get to schedule a hysteroscopy and then we will do my initial consult and all the blood work that the RE needs to start seeing us as a patient again.
BFN at 7dp5dt. I shouldn't have done it! My beta isn't even until Tuesday, but last time I got a BFP on 9dp5dt. I'm so impatient.
It's definitely still early! You aren't out yet!
I'm terrified to test. Last IVF I didnt test before my beta and just waited for the nurse to call. I dont know if I'll hold out til the beta this time, but I probably wont test until the morning of which is Friday.
My dad just spilled the beans that my brother and his wife are pregnant while I was skyping with him. I just want to cry. A BFN is going to hurt so much more this week if that's how this goes.
My dad just spilled the beans that my brother and his wife are pregnant while I was skyping with him. I just want to cry. A BFN is going to hurt so much more this week if that's how this goes.
I am sorry. I hope you get your BFP too this week.
My dad just spilled the beans that my brother and his wife are pregnant while I was skyping with him. I just want to cry. A BFN is going to hurt so much more this week if that's how this goes.
I'm interested to know the blood draws, since I see a lot of mention of them.
I have almost none. A pre-cycle STD check and then pregnancy test, that's it!
What is standard in the USA?
We’re not neighbours anymore, you moved countries right? Anyway, I don’t even go here anymore but I lurk and found your question interesting. I’m in Sweden and it’s quite different here.
I had bloodwork done as part of the infertility work up. Then when we moved on to IVF there was some bloodwork that was legally required for both me and DH. I think it was HIV and a few STDs. But no blood draws at all during either the stim cycle (freeze all) or the FET. And they don’t even do blood draws for pregnancy tests.
When we went back again in June to plan for #2 (FET) I had to redo the HIV/STD Testing since my old testa were more than 12 months out. No test for DH since his job was already done. I think they might have checken prolaktin and thyroid levels too but I’m not sure. No blood draw at either of the two FETs we did.
I also saw your comment after your retrieval about them aiming for less eggs where you are and it’s very much the same here. I did end up with 35+ follicles and 27 eggs retrieved but that was considered sort of a failure on their part (why I ended up with a freeze all). Their aim is usually 5-10 eggs.
Yep, no longer neighbors but my system has been way closer to yours than what I'm seeing here.
Much more conservative at every step of the way, it seems!
I’m not feeling good about this cycle. I’ll find out more tomorrow at my monitoring appointment, but I’m currently CD14 and haven’t even gotten a flashing smiley with opks yet. I don’t think I’m responding to the clomid (again) even though we upped the dosage. Next cycle we will likely have to skip due to H’s travel schedule. I’m just really depressed that we might be OAD.