I’m sorry this is off topic but we’re you able to get one? How long of a wait was it? My husband just had his sleep study and his follow up appointment to discuss what type of machine is at the end of this month.
If you’re able to shop around, you can order one from any supplier online and they often show which ones are currently in stock. Sometimes they’ll send an upgraded machine if that’s all they have. If you’re limited on your suppliers, it can take a few months. I’ve gotten a couple of machines this year, one for me and for my H. One came within a few days and was in stock at cpap.com (ResMed 10). The other took 3-4 weeks from Hart Medical, but their website didn’t show what was in stock or not and they sent a ResMed 11 when I ordered a ResMed 10. IMO the 10 is better for many reasons but both do their jobs just fine and are both user friendly.
Any trouble getting your doctor to write a prescription you could take anywhere? When I called and asked, they simply said they'd put me on the waitlist, but I was looking online yesterday and also seeing in stock machines. Even if my insurance won't pay anything toward it, they'd still be WAY cheaper than getting the dental device the doctor already said he thought wouldn't work for me. But I'm super confused why the doctors office didn't offer to write me a prescription to take elsewhere if there are workable machines you can buy independently (with a prescription). I need to call them and ask again. I was supposed to see the sleep doctor again soon, so I thought we'd talk then, but we had COVID in the house and now it's rescheduled for several months down the road. (I'm kinda salty about that because it seems to me we could have done contactless pickup of the device and telemedicine instructions on how to use it... but instead I'm waiting until late July.)
Is this a case of not having enough women/moms in positions of power?
YES. When women, and moms, are elected, they can actually start to affect these issues.
Think the average 70 year old white dude cares or even KNOWS about a formula shortage? First, he doesn’t know about it. Second, that’s who holds the vast majority of elected offices in this country.
And third, he has never breastfed. He probably doesn't know that: a) Not every mother or baby can nurse, even if they try really hard b) once you've stopped, you can't just start back up because there isn't anything on the shelves
They probably think this is only a "real" problem for adopted babies or gay dads. Birth mothers should just suck it up and whip out a boob if things get dire.
YES. When women, and moms, are elected, they can actually start to affect these issues.
Think the average 70 year old white dude cares or even KNOWS about a formula shortage? First, he doesn’t know about it. Second, that’s who holds the vast majority of elected offices in this country.
And third, he has never breastfed. He probably doesn't know that: a) Not every mother or baby can nurse, even if they try really hard b) once you've stopped, you can't just start back up because there isn't anything on the shelves
They probably think this is only a "real" problem for adopted babies or gay dads. Birth mothers should just suck it up and whip out a boob if things get dire.
Or worse, they just figure that if you didn’t “care enough” to breastfeed your baby from the start* then it’s your own damn fault you can’t feed your baby.
(*obviously I know it’s not as simple as “caring enough” to breast feed, but a lot of men and women don’t understand the mechanics of breast feeding)
Honestly, I think it’s just not on the average (older, white) politician’s mind as an essential product. Just like childcare and the economy. Or covid vaccines for the under 5s.
It’s infuriating to see how much we’re failing parents of young kids and I can’t-believe-but-really-I-can that Democrats are floundering on this.
The whole hardline "don't make your own formula" messaging, I get it...but what actual alternative are they offering people who can't find any formula? What's the harm reduction approach here, because these babies need to eat SOMETHING.
Am I crazy?
from what I've seen from the AAP and RDs under 6mo can have preemie formula, and over 6mo can be given cows milk for a few days, or soy milk if there's a milk allergy and also up solids. If close to a year toddler formula can be used. Also a nonpreferred brand of formula is better then homemade formula.
I agree that there has to be SOME kind of homemade formula that would be ok vs nothing at all, but of the recipes I've seen circulating none of them make sense. There's lots of goats milk blended with hemp seeds, or water and sea moss blended, that terrible one from the 60s of water and corn syrup... Nothing seems close to what an infant would need. Even just diluting a bottle can have such dire consequences I can't imagine going totally off the rails with some "recipe" would do.
If you’re able to shop around, you can order one from any supplier online and they often show which ones are currently in stock. Sometimes they’ll send an upgraded machine if that’s all they have. If you’re limited on your suppliers, it can take a few months. I’ve gotten a couple of machines this year, one for me and for my H. One came within a few days and was in stock at cpap.com (ResMed 10). The other took 3-4 weeks from Hart Medical, but their website didn’t show what was in stock or not and they sent a ResMed 11 when I ordered a ResMed 10. IMO the 10 is better for many reasons but both do their jobs just fine and are both user friendly.
Any trouble getting your doctor to write a prescription you could take anywhere? When I called and asked, they simply said they'd put me on the waitlist, but I was looking online yesterday and also seeing in stock machines. Even if my insurance won't pay anything toward it, they'd still be WAY cheaper than getting the dental device the doctor already said he thought wouldn't work for me. But I'm super confused why the doctors office didn't offer to write me a prescription to take elsewhere if there are workable machines you can buy independently (with a prescription). I need to call them and ask again. I was supposed to see the sleep doctor again soon, so I thought we'd talk then, but we had COVID in the house and now it's rescheduled for several months down the road. (I'm kinda salty about that because it seems to me we could have done contactless pickup of the device and telemedicine instructions on how to use it... but instead I'm waiting until late July.)
No. It was very similar to needing a medication. You could contact the DME they sent it to and ask for a copy from them and go elsewhere.
Edit: it sounds like the doctor office also is providing the machine? I’d insistently ask for a copy to shop elsewhere or ask them to send it to the supplier of your choice. Then ask that supplier for a copy. Maybe if they send it right to a supplier, they’ll be more willing to help?
I just read that Biden invoked the production defense act to address the shortage and is also providing transport to ship from other approved countries. Hopefully these things will help.