Hard to tell, but since your periods are so short it's prob not impossible. :/ I however am going out on a limb and thinking that it looks like you could've O'd on the 13th even. Which would put you at 4dpo today. You didn't opk on the 13th, right? I'm not sure if that's helpful...
I haven't gotten a positive OPK, but have sporadically tested since like CD10 maybe? But my surges are usually super short, so if I don't test multiple times a day it's easy to miss it.
I did however take a pg test this morning b/c I started to think maybe my light period wasn't really a period, but it was, lol. Test was definitely negative.
If I discard Saturday or Sunday's temps, it goes back to Oing tomorrow.
Oh, wait wait wait, you have the dotted line crosshairs. Dotted line means "fuck if I know, but it could be this" in Fertility-Friendish. Maybe in 2 days it's give you a solid line at CD15 even. That seems like a logical place for O-ing in your chart, provided your temps stay up now.
Why o why can't we all just have picture perfect charts that are super simple to read?
And come to think of it and compared to the previous month, CD13 could be it too. Especially if that Sat and Sun were temped on the wrong time or you drank a lot or whatever.
Excuse me please, but that was MY guess. FF is trying to take all the credit!
(sorry neva...it's pretty effing annoying not knowing wtf is really happening)
Haha, this was another friend's guess too. So weird. I guess I should probably stop using OPKs since it seems pretty clear that I've already Oed.
Well, and since you said this cycle was a wash because your DH is out of town, might as well save the money on pee sticks. It's still frustrating not having "exact" data and answers.