Back in March I bought a pack of Wondfo pregnancy tests.
I've taken enough to know a negative. Seeing as how that's all I've ever seen. lol.
Last night I took one, waited about 2 minutes. Saw a second line, sat it down and waited another minute. Came back and the test was stark white.
I've never seen a definite line before while it's clearing, but the stark white after leads me to believe that the way the test was clearing was funky.
I just dismissed it as funky then debated taking another this morning and finally was like "no, it was nothing".
Thoughts? Opinions? Are wondfo's even worth it? I hear so many bad experiences attached to them
You have to wait the whole 5 minutes (or whatever is on the pack for the kind of test you are using). Anything that shows before the 5 minutes is unreliable. If you got a control line, then the test probably worked -- but the nice thing about Wondfos is that they're cheap, so there's nothing wrong with re-testing:-)