If you think that you should go to the doc then I don't see a problem with that. It always makes me sad and upset when people don't recognize mental health issues as real problems.
yea, I had some issues in the past, but they were resolved with therapy, medication, and getting my thyroid under control (thyroid meds removed the need for other meds). I'm thinking maybe it's just time to get help again.
I was trying to explain to DH what my mind was feeling like (I think I may actually have adult ADD), how there are always 20 things going through my head and yelling at me, how it's so hard for me to focus, etc., and he was like, ya, that's not normal .
sorry you're going through a rough patch. if you really feel like it's severe enough to need medication, definitely talk to a doc. it's sad that people will try to tough through truly difficult things when it can be fixed and everyone can be happier. good luck, and you know we're always here for you!
sorry you're going through a rough patch. if you really feel like it's severe enough to need medication, definitely talk to a doc. it's sad that people will try to tough through truly difficult things when it can be fixed and everyone can be happier. good luck, and you know we're always here for you!
you guys are the best, seriously. i love my seattle gbcnesties.