Last week, lots of you gave great ideas for apps I can bring to my neighborhood progressive dinner. Thank you!
I have another question about hostess gifts. Typically, I wouldn't go to someone's home for dinner without bringing a gift. But is tonight different? Every neighbor is either hosting an event or cooking, but not doing both. So, I'm showing up to house A with my apps, then going to dinner at house B and then dessert at house C. Should I be bringing hostess gifts to houses A, B, and C? Only houses B and C? None of the above?
I was going to grab something small while we were out this morning, but DH said, "We're bringing food, we're not bringing anything else." Sigh. I prefer to err on the side of too much, rather than be the only one coming empty-handed.
Thoughts? Thank you!
ETA: Not that it's relevant, but everyone attending will be at house A and house C. Other groups will be at houses D, E, F, G, H and I for dinner.
I would probably bring something small to all three houses, but since this is an unusual format, IMO it's fine if you don't. But if you're going to give anything, give it to all three houses.
By something small I mean small enough to stash all three in your purse, like some tiny soaps or chocolates. Lugging multiple bottles of wine around all evening would be cumbersome and weird.