San.tiago Car.los was born at 2:05 pm Saturday, Aug. 2nd, weighing in at 8 lbs., 7 oz. We just came home today.
I went to my doctor's appointment on Friday morning at 40w, 2d. An u/s showed low fluid levels, so they sent me straight to the hospital for an induction. I'll try to post a proper birth story at some point, but here are the highs and lows:
- Pushing Santi out was quick and I didn't tear or need stitches. Yay for being able to sit comfortably! - My milk came in today and nursing is going well (doing so one-handed at the moment) - I have a SON!!!!!!
- Pitocin sucks so badly. My doula rocks and got me through so much of it epidural-free, but ultimately, not being very mobile (I was hooked up to too many drips and monitors) and not being able to eat for 24 hours really wore me down. - Experiencing transition when you can't move REALLY sucks. - I hemorrhaged and had to remain hooked up to the Pitocin drip for another 24 hours after labor. Have I mentioned that Pitocin sucks? And that not being very mobile sucks? Mercifully, it's all under control now and I just have to get my iron levels back up.
Congrats on the sweet baby boy! Look at all that beautiful hair! Sorry about the pitocin Jealous that you didn't tear! (I sort of didn't know that was possible lol).
Congratulations!!! Glad that you are both doing well. Great picture! He is so cute. I knew that if it was a boy I would love the name you picked and I do. How is your DD doing with the baby?