i think my dd is teething. we're a little bit early 3 months, but it's been a few days of constant fussing, screaming, pulling at the ears, drooling, and now dark green poop (i didn't know this was a symptom, until i looked it up).
we're nursing almost non-stop- it's about 15-20 minutes of nursing, 5-10 minutes of napping, wake up and cry/fuss for a few minutes before i realize she wants to keep eating, repeat. occasionally i'll get a break of a few hours, but that's after we take a car ride or something.
when she's nursing constantly, i've been giving her one-side for one hour. then the next hour i switch. since she's constantly nursing, i feel pretty drained the whole time, so i can't really tell which one is more full, or if one is empty.
Switch sides when you get uncomfortable. If that's an hour, great. If that's 10 minutes, great. Try offering a frozen wet washcloth to chew, or you could try some Tylenol at night if this is a 24 hour a day show. When a baby is eating that frequently, the whole foremilk/hindmilk thing doesn't really matter.
it's not 24 hours, it's only during the day time (thank goodness). i've tried sticking her teething toys in her mouth, but she doesn't show interest in chewing on them (she's never taken a paci, either)..i will try a washcloth to see if she wants it. thanks!