I'm chock full of dye! Had my HSG today. We have a severe MFI issue, hubs has azoo and some hormonal issue (not a testosterone issue). Appt. with the urologist is on the 25th.
I'm chock full of dye! Had my HSG today. We have a severe MFI issue, hubs has azoo and some hormonal issue (not a testosterone issue). Appt. with the urologist is on the 25th.
I'm chock full of dye! Had my HSG today. We have a severe MFI issue, hubs has azoo and some hormonal issue (not a testosterone issue). Appt. with the urologist is on the 25th.
Good luck on the 25th! How'd your HSG look?
I seem to be good - textbook clockwork regular, ultrasound and HSG both looked good. No calls from the RE on my blood work, so there can't be anything earth shattering there since she calls right away when there's a problem.
LMAO! I was just going to post in the thread that the SotU threads are actually worse on me than the BFPs. Because we're on TTC hold until after my surgery next week. If we resume TTC at all...
I am at day 33 and all I have to show for it is some water weight and a breakout on my face.
The good news is that I have my MRI with contrast this morning (and the looks on the techs faces leads me to believe that I definitely have a tumor on my pituitary gland) AND, more importantly, my first meeting with the endocrinologist is next Tuesday. Hopefully with the new MRI they will be able to tell me if I can go on with some Clomid + monitoring + IUI or if I have to wait and have them shrink whatever it is that is in my brain. I am hoping for route A, obviously. Of course, I am sure that by the time they figure it out I will be at least at next cycle, and with cycles that average at least 42 days I am not hopeful that we will get started on a cycle before March but I am trying to be positive and look at that as an opportunity to drop 10 lbs.