How to pause the VIP membership, but still be able to use FF without the VIP feautures? I figured with not temping so much, pausing it would be a good idea to save my VIP days, but when pausing it, they logged me out and to log back in I have to reactivate.
Or is pausing it just considered not charting at all and should I just never have sprung for it in the first place
Damn phone apps with their pretty charts and stuff...
ETA: and now it won't reactivate because it's been on hold too short and I need to use the support form to get it reactivated, which means I not only lose the VIP function, but can't use the whole damn app even though I'm paying for it (apparently if you pause for less than 15 days, it doesn't count as paused, even though you couldn't use your account AT ALL. They just made absolutely sure I won't pay them a penny again. Bastards.