Hey Bio.. He is doing well. Much better than 3 months ago. His Serum Ferritin is down to 5500 (needs to get to 50 but started at greater than 20,000). He is tolerating treatments very well. We have started running (well he runs I walk behind because I would fall on face if I ran) and playing golf. His MD's are convinced he will have a FULL recovery. Now we are just waiting to convince the Air Force of the same. That may be our toughest battle. But we will face it head on. His next cardiac MRI is July. Fingers crossed for a good ejection fraction...we started at 10% which puts him in the category of heart transplant. But the last one was almost 40% which is almost normal..If we can get it to normal we would be so happy. Thanks for asking..maybe tmi ( ) I like to share!
It is sometimes hard to believe that 4 months ago from last saturday, I received the call and our lives changed forever. It was terrifying to hear the words "won't make it through the weekend, you better say everything you want to now!". Now we are on the road to recovery. Hi treatments consist of a blood donation every thursday..so he gets really tired on Friday. He also takes a medication that thankfully is covered by our insurance. It would be $13000/month. And nope I didn't add an extra zero. We have truly witnessed a miracle in my mind.
13K?! Holy hell. I'm glad that that is covered! I don't think your sharing is TMI, unless I missed something in the details lol. I'm so glad that he's getting better.
It is sometimes hard to believe that 4 months ago from last saturday, I received the call and our lives changed forever. It was terrifying to hear the words "won't make it through the weekend, you better say everything you want to now!". Now we are on the road to recovery. Hi treatments consist of a blood donation every thursday..so he gets really tired on Friday. He also takes a medication that thankfully is covered by our insurance. It would be $13000/month. And nope I didn't add an extra zero. We have truly witnessed a miracle in my mind.
Wow! I haven't followed your story (other than what's written here), but just what a miracle! Stay strong, and I hope things continue to get better. :heart:
Thanks everyone...I will keep you posted. We are going to have a steak dinner when he gets to 50. He can only eat the foods high in iron occassionaly. So he has eliminated them totally until then. He is determined to get down to 50 quicker by avoiding them all together.
share.memebox.com/x/uKhKaZmemebox referal code for 20% off! DD1 "J" born 3/2003 DD2 "G" born 4/2011 DS is here! "H" born 2/2014 m/c#3 1-13-13 @ 9 weeks m/c#2 11-11-12 @ 5w2d I am an extended breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, pro marriage equality, birth control lovin', Catholic mama.