Hi all! I introduced myself on the intro thread, but I figured a second intro couldn't hurt.
I'm 27, and DH is 30. It's taken us a while, but we're at a point where we both emotionally and financially ready to have a kid. Seems my body just doesn't want that to happen though! I spent about 7 years unable to have penetrative sex thanks to a problem called vulvar vestibulitis. About a year ago I had surgery to remove damaged nerves from my vestibule, called a partial vestibulectomy (ha! chrome wanted to correct that to incombustible!). I've been BC free since about then, but we've only been having sex for the past 6 months. During the summer my period was MIA for three months, but was back with a dose of provera.
When I had a consult with my gyn about the MIA period and lengthy cycles (35-40 days), she sent me for an infertility work up which showed hypothyroidism and increased prolactin. So, she started me on levothyroxine and sent my for an MRI. I haven't gotten the official word from the doc about the MRI, but I got a hurried, "it looked fine," from her nurse. I was also referred to an RE. (I'll get a more in-depth explanation of the MRI from the RE I've been told).
I saw the RE who told me he thought I might have a whole host of problems (thanks! ), such as hypothyroidism (which we knew), PCOS (which my gyn suspected), and whatever was causing the high prolactin. (He didn't have the MRI results at that time.) So, we set up my return visit where I would have blood work and an internal u/s.
I came back for that. Saw the traditional "string of pearls" on the U/S. So, yay! PCOS! Also saw a mature follicle, but sadly, even with knowing that I was about to ovulate, no luck this cycle. The PA who did my U/S was absolutely awesome. Made having a "magic wand" up my vagina a little easier. Thanks to that blood work, I also found out that I was critically low in Vitamin D. So, I'm not on a very high prescription dose of Vit. D, and an OTC dose too. With another referral to an endocrinologist, which I would have to move to eventually anyway thanks to that hypothyroid.
So, where I am right now is that I have an HSG and Sono scheduled for next week, and I have more blood work done today. After I do that, I'll make another appointment to go back and find out the results of everything. (Oh, and somewhere along the line DH had a SA, but who cares about that? )
::sign:: I don't actually need to go to work anyway. But, seriously, sometimes it does feel a little overwhelming, especially since this has all happened in the span of about 6 weeks. It's just nice to know that I'm not actually alone in all this. And it doesn't help that family is getting antsy for little ones, and I don't particularly feel like sharing this with, well, almost anyone in real life.
But, if you read all this, I commend and thank you!
Welcome! I toootally empathize with the feelings of being suddenly overwhelmed by information and possible diagnoses and conflicting reports! Hang in there.