What color would you paint this kitchen and what color/type of backsplash would you go with? The color now is kind of a cream color (the entire house is this same color - except for DD's bedroom and playroom lol) I was thinking of maybe a light creamy yellow but I wanted to get some other input. And for the backsplash, there used to be a tile backsplash that matched the dark green countertop that the last owner ripped out (last owner was an investor who bought and flipped the house but did minimal work to the kitchen - ripped out backsplash, replaced drawer/cabinet pulls, new (ugly!lol) linoleum floor) so I wanted to try and find something decent looking that's not too pricey. Eventually the plan is to do a full reno but it's going to be quite a while before that happens. Right now I'm in the process of giving the cabinets a good cleaning inside and out and planning to do a few small changes to update it a little bit - so far my plan is to take the doors and center bar off the upper cabinet on the far left of the first picture to make it kind of open shelving (an idea I found on pinterest!) and get rid of that scalloped piece above the sink. Any other ideas are welcomed! TIA!Attachment DeletedAttachment DeletedAttachment Deleted