BDB would have run the risk of being outed for being an ass. That's not really a risk you run when using an AE for discussing health or medical issues.
The nest did out an AE at least once if I remember correctly. They confirmed something that went down on the knot about posting personal info. A regular posted another regular's info under and AE and was outed by one of the knot gods.
I do not follow all these things closely enough to know what in the hell was going on over there! This is why I stay in my little safety zone here on PCE.
"Not gonna lie; I kind of keep expecting you to post one day that you threw down on someone who clearly had no idea that today was NOT THEIR DAY." ~dontcallmeshirley
"This prick is asking for someone here to bring him to task Somebody give me some dirt on this vacuous mass so we can at last unmask him I'll pull the trigger on it, someone load the gun and cock it While we were all watching, he got Washington in his pocket."
The really important question here is: WHY WAS DQ HALF PRICE? I hope you stocked up on cakes and dilly bars.
Cake and Dilly Bars are in the freezer!
They run this promotion every year in January. Stores have a day where everything in them is half price. They call it Customer Appreciation day, but I call it marketing genius to get people into their stores on what is probably their slowest sales month.
"This prick is asking for someone here to bring him to task Somebody give me some dirt on this vacuous mass so we can at last unmask him I'll pull the trigger on it, someone load the gun and cock it While we were all watching, he got Washington in his pocket."
Which of us has the slutty girls? Slut shaming is a guaranteed 15 pager, and we might be getting an ice storm. I'd hate to be bored. 1-2-3-4 YOU'RE AN UGLY WHORE! How's that for juvenile?
Seriously! I like an everything bagel, toasted with cream cheese, lox, and tomato. Except now I can't eat gluten.
Yummy! You two are making this Jew pretty hungry. Oy gevalt
Seriously i don't even care that my breathe smells like onions for the rest of the damn day. Did I mention I live int he South and this breakfast is nearly impossible to find? Doesn't Dobliana have a deli? Next time I am in New York I am taking my Black Ass to her Deli!!