So after my plea for help I decided not to wait until this weekend to make the sticker chart that I had been putting off. After dinner that night, Jelly Bean and I sat down and made the chart together. We drew pictures of all the stuff she is supposed to do at night. Brush teeth, go potty, etc. Heck, the kid even insisted we put 'clip nails' on there. And of course we drew a picture of a bed and someone laying quietly.
We drew 5 boxes for stickers and I explained if she filled each box she will get a prize. I gave her one sticker for doing all of her night time stuff without whining because I wanted to get her excited about the chart. Then I explained she would get her next sticker if she went to bed without crying and stayed in bed all night.
Well I'll be, the damn thing worked! She woke up yesterday, opened her door and said to be "I no cry. I get sticker." ::bestillmyheart::
It worked again last night so I'm trying not to jinx myself but I'm hoping this sticks. It's like I've got my old JB back, the one that sleeps!