IIRC you had an anterior placenta when pregnant with the twins, yes? When did you start of feel them? I never knew the placement of the placenta with JB but I felt her really early. On Friday the u/s tech said she's fairly certain one of the placentas in anterior. I'm just curious as to what that means for feeling movement this time around. I know every pregnancy is different but I'd like to hear your experience. :-)
I also had an anterior placenta with one kid (can't recall who) and it was over 20something weeks before I left him move.
...how did the u/s go?
Good to know. I know average is "18-22wk" but with being so early last time (15wks for real movement) I'm kinda anxious to feel.
The u/s went well (thanks for asking!). Hearts are going strong, they were moving around. I tried to get a peek at the goods but it was hard. I am leaning towards Baby A being a boy though because I think I saw a bit of 'extra' in there. lol! Our a/s is mid-February so we'll definitely learn the sexes then.
Did you have a Harmony/ Mat21 test? Its a new blood test, to give 99% accuracy for Trismoy 18 and 21. I'm getting it, because I'm 36. I don't know what the age cut off is but they can tell you the sex of the baby! How wild is that? I totally didn't believe it, but I did some reading and it is confirmed. They are able to tell the sex of the baby from the mothers blood. Though I guess it would be hard to determine with twins. People on my BMB already know what they are having, and they are only 11 weeks!! Crazy.
Call me crabby but I think finding out the sex through a phone call from a blood draw is lame. If we accidentally find out through an u/s and can be all like 'awwww, look at that!! It's a ____" I'd be fine with it, but finding out on the phone - now utterly unromantic.
It's all a little fuzzy at this point (damn crappy memory), but yes, I did have anterior placentas (both). I think I first felt them for certain at 22 weeks. I remember feeling some "was that babies or gas?" stuff at 20 and 21 weeks, but only a handful of times.
Glad to hear your babies are looking good! As much as the million appointments could be annoying, I *loved* how much we got to see the babies when I was pregnant.
No, not this time. I want to either sell DD's clothes (if it's two boys) and just mentally prepare. We won't really do anything different in terms of genderizing the nursery or anything. We prefer gender neutral stuff. But both K and I just feel like the emotions this time around are very different and knowing in advance the sexes will help.