Charting. After this cycle. It is so ingrained in me I am not sure I can. I just feel like lately we have been more worried about having sex at the optimal time then just having sex. This sucks I hate ttc. H is also pissing me off lately.
Post by Cheesecake on Feb 17, 2013 10:48:28 GMT -5
I've stopped worrying about it all too much, and only temp a few days around O and don't worry when I miss a temp or two. It hasn't solved every bit of sex and ttc related stress, but it has made it somewhat easier.
Post by thatgirl2478 on Feb 17, 2013 11:08:26 GMT -5
yeah, I couldn't deal with the whole temping thing. I'd forget, or I'd be up in the middle of the night because of the dog or kid. It was starting to affect my mood b/c I couldn't sleep well & would get worried that my temp wasn't taken at the 'right' time.
I gave it up too. I just use OPKs and look at CM now.
I gave it up a long time ago. I could usually tell from CM and cramping when I was ovulating anyway. Plus, I'm not going to get pregnant on my own so there's no point to stressing over it.
Post by discogranny on Feb 17, 2013 15:30:53 GMT -5
Add me to the list if non-charters. In 26 cycles, I have only temped for two. They both confirmed that the cheapie OPKs were factual for when I was actually ovulating and that was good enough for me. Once we started injectable IUI cycles, I stopped tracking ovulation all together and haven't done so since.
I committed to three cycles. I'm going to start my period mid-week this week and thus starts Cycle 3. So far, my charting tells me what I already thought to be true - I am ovulating, and generally the OPKs are right on. Once I've gone three cycles and see that the pattern holds true (that Cycle 1 & 2 weren't a fluke, lol) I'm done.
I don't sleep well because I'm worried if I wake up for a few minutes that I'm ruining it. I set my alarm for 6:15 a.m. which means I haven't slept in on a weekend in WEEKS (and, since I'm apparently never going to have kids I'd like to at least be able to sleep in!), and most importantly the daily temping is driving me crazy.
Post by changedname on Feb 17, 2013 18:07:09 GMT -5
I gave up charting about 8 months ago and love it. I have got to know my body well enough that I can tell the ovulation cramps (I swear I never got those before I was ttc!) I did invest in a clearblue monitor but I only used it for a couple of months. I say take a break.
I used to be obsessed with charting and it totally screwed up my sex life too. I would be thinking about what day we were on and sometimes felt like the sex was a waste. It wasn't good for my marriage. So I've given it up lately. I'm pretty good at recognizing the signs of my body and use OPKs. Go ahead and give it up. You can always go back to it if you want.
I stopped also. It helps me not obsess as much. I already think about it non stop anyways. Plus my schedule makes it hard temp the same time every morning.
I haven't done any charting this month, and it's the first month off in a very long time. I figured with the HSG, being on pelvic rest for a few days, and the RE stuff, this cycle would be a bust, so I didn't even attempt charting.
Surprisingly, I feel pretty good about it. There have been a few times of feeling out of control, but for the most part, it's really curbed by TTC obsession. Now that we are moving on to IUI, I'll think I'll just do OPKs until I get a positive, get the IUI, and then just let it all be....
Quite honestly, it has made sex so much more enjoyable, and that alone is worth it
I never charted though I have TCOYF and read it cover to cover. Now I just document my cycles on my phone in an attempt to kinda know when they're going to start (also, so I know if I go 3 months without one again!).