Gah! Went in today for blood and sono, and the darn cyst is still there. Bloodwork showed progesterone is too high to start stims. So now I'm stopping the Lupron and throwing away the schedule. I go in next week, although I'm not really sure what to expect there. The nurse couldn't really tell me what the plan was because I guess at this point there's nothing to do but wait. This is so frustrating!
I'm sorry. I know the feeling though. I just found out I have a cyst and I go in next week to see if its there still or gone. If its gone, we can start IUI this next cycle. If not, most likely I'll have to have surgery to remove it. The way our luck has been, I'll probably have to get surgery. I'm not getting my hopes up.
Sorry things have hit a wall for you Hopefully next week they can give you a better idea of what the new plan will be.