Today's makeup is the same as yesterday's The only difference is that I applied it in the car during our commute (H was driving). Applying eyeliner on bumpy roads is no easy feat!
Products are all the same:
UD 24/7 liner in Zero on top lash line & lower waterline, with black shadow smudged along both lash lines. I used my Maybelline brightener eraser thing to conceal my puffy eyes, since I cried a ton yesterday.
VitaZing & MAC Pink Cult blush. Lip Smackers on my lips.
I'll try to do something different tomorrow, so this isn't so boring.
ETA that my redness is due to my face being red; I don't apply blush next to my nose
Thanks Kore! Not sure why I can't make it work either. Thanks about the blush. It was on super sale on amazon that's why I bought it! MM lol! The necklace is from my work line. I love getting first pick of all the pretty things.