This morning I brought her into bed with me and she took my finger and rubbed it on her gum like she wanted to show me and by darn it was a tooth! Not a whole tooth but it's clear as day starting to pop out!! Now her schizophrenic happy/sad yesterday and finally her 13 hour stretch of sleep last night are explained. Her tooth is the cutest thing I've ever touched. I'm so proud of her! Except she will not let me get a pic of it for the life of me!
Yay!!! She got her first tooth young! Guess this means you'll have to stop breastfeeding. I kid, I kid! I have actually had people tell me that though. :-|
I've got to admit the fear of god is in me now! But I really don't want to start on formula at all. I hope I can get to a year without major incident so we can skip formula and go right to milk. I can't say I'm EBF anymore bc we've introduced cereal and purée and that makes me a little sad, but the nursing is where she still gets all her nutrition from.
Don't be scared of teeth! Don't be surprised if you have to readjust her latch though. Zoe and I had to work on it a bit around her first birthday. My nips were sore as hell! But it didn't last long and we made it. I also learned when she is acting cheeky and is more likely to bite. I won't nurse her till she calms down. Even if they don't have teeth, it hurts if those gums bite you, lol! Amelia is really liking solids already! Zoe was about 8 months old when she really got interested. I thought I was going to be nursing every 3 hours forever! It's okay though because they don't really need any solids until their first birthday anyway. If they are happy and content on breast milk and are at a healthy weight, they get all they need from mom!
Yah her Pedi stressed that if solids ever cut into the amount of breast milk she takes then slow down on solids. Right now they are just for fun and just for practice and only if she's ready, and this girl loooves her purée! When she sees her spoon she gets super excited and opens her mouth up wide:)
Wow! I can't believe how quick she's growing up! Kennedy just started getting her first tooth at 15 months!
I know, she really is growing up so fast! It is fun to watch and makes me sad at the same time. I look at her clothes and I realize that soon they will be too small and she will never fit into them again and I get emotional. I'm excited to see what is to come but I would like to just slooooow down and enjoy my baby a little longer. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a few extra hands to take her off mine sometimes, but all the hard moments are easily forgotten.