I hate it when massively expensive tea tastes disgusting. Nearly $10 down the drain for a box Simply English Tea's Pomegranate Green Tea. I gagged at the first sip.
I don't think I have it in me to go coffee-free. I haven't had a cup in nearly a week and have been keeping the caffeine-withdrawl headaches at bay by drinking green tea. But I just don't enjoy it like I enjoy a good cup or two or three of coffee. Coffee is so delicious. I've already given up so much other delicious stuff in life due to my stupid digestive system. Instead of noting any physical improvement as a result of cutting out coffee, I'm just cranky and I find that I need an average of 2-3 more hours of sleep at night to feel functional the next day (over how I feel with coffee in my life). It doesn't feel sustainable.
I didn't think I could cut it out either, but I finally had to. I did it incredibly slowly though. I went from two cups a day to just one and stayed there for almost six months. Then I switched my morning coffee to tea. I have two cups of tea a day now. There are still tough days where I really crave the coffee, but it's made a huge difference in my symptoms
bcv513 how long before you noticed the difference? With most things, I just know pretty much as soon as I eat it that I shouldn't (like chocolate). Coffee only ever seems to have an adverse effect on me when I overdo it, like go for the 3rd cup of the morning or have lots of cups for many days in a row when I am sleep deprived or trying to meet a deadline. Otherwise, the 1 cup in the morning feels pretty benign. Regardless, I was hoping that after 6 straight days without coffee that I would feel something, anything, that shows I need to cut it out definitively. I don't.
carrotsmakemefat I don't know what I was thinking. Apparently, I need coffee to make good purchasing decisions!
I noticed it within a couple of days. It was hard for me to tell what it was because mornings have always been hardest for me. After starting the meds, I realized that it was happening within ten minutes of drinking the coffee.
I won't lie - I miss coffee more than anything else (including alcohol, which surprised me!)
I've had 1 decaf and 1 regular caf in the past 7.5 weeks. the regular caf hurt my stomach so it's a little frustrating. maybe one day!
I've been doing ginger tea lately. it tastes terrible, but it helps keep me regular. it's herbal though, so no caffeine benefit if you're looking for a boost.
Has anyone tried Peppermint tea? If so, does it seem to help at all?
I don't check this board often so I'm late responding.
Peppermint tea does wonders for me. Peppermint relaxes the muscles in your stomach. So if you get stomach cramps and nausea/ heartburn it can help soothe the lining of your stomach and calm things down. You can also buy peppermint pills on amazon.