I didn't announce on FB, I don't use it much and we told everyone in our lives that would care in person. Plus, I'm pretty private, and don't like people knowing my business.
Announced earlier this week, at 16 weeks. However, i posted a picture of the fortune cookies we made to announce the pregnancy to family and close friends, and no one got it. Dh posted the same picture (both of us posted it as our cover photo) and almost no one got it. I was kind of disappointed at first, but when i changed my profile picture to an old hiking picture, it got twice the response the announcement did. They'll figure it out eventually So if you want people to realize that it's a pregnancy announcement, avoid subtle!
i am pretty active on fb (update/post maybe once a week-ish..)..i comment on friends stuff probably daily. it is the primary way i keep in contact with a lot of friends (local and out of state), and out of state family...
we told everyone we wanted to know first, and then announced. first time, at about 13 weeks, this time at 10 weeks.
FWIW: my husband did not want to announce on facebook. He is in the camp that people in our lives will know, if not, whatever.
this sounds exactly like my h.
so why did you decide to announce it? just for fun? i probably won't tag h in the post, so all of his fb friends don't see it, since he doesn't care if they know.