For my 10 year gift from my job. I have $200 to spend at Best Buy, Sports Authority, Tiffany, Williams Sonona, or Lowes. I initially picked out a bike trailer but H isn't that into it since he's read so many different reviews, and he said it only sells on Craigs List for about $50. I wish the company would let you pick out something over $200 and pay the diff but you can't do that. 1 item, $200 or less, don't worry about tax or shipping. I'm thinking about a nice dutch oven from Williams Sonoma, but this baby isn't letting my fingers do much walking.
I made chili for Christmas that called for one and used my crock pot instead and the chili was a fail. Williams Sonoma has some recipes that I want to try. I think this is what I'm going to get. It's something I want but would never spend the money on.