I was going through some drawers and stumbled across my iPod. I can't even remember the last time I used it, but I want to pretty much clear it and put on baby songs to play in the nursery (I have a docking station with speakers) or in the car.
Any recommendations for songs/albums I could buy from iTunes?
Another Elizabeth Mitchell vote over here! I also really like the Family Folk Songs Radio station on Pandora - they play a lot of Elizabeth Mitchell and similar artists. I've downloaded some songs I liked after hearing them on there.
May sound strange, but when she was little (2-3 months maybe?) Ellie really loved Bob Marley. I think the beat soothed her. They make "baby versions" of that kind of thing but Ellie preferred the real deal.
Honestly, he just likes anything, particularly if we sing and dance and look stupid for him. I only have to be careful when Lily's around. Then he gets a lot of Fresh Beat Band.
Honestly, he just likes anything, particularly if we sing and dance and look stupid for him. I only have to be careful when Lily's around. Then he gets a lot of Fresh Beat Band.
This is true. H played My Humps by Black Eyed Peas for A today and she loved it. Her new favorite.