Does a trigger shot or IUI elongate your cycle? I'm 14 dpiui, and 15 days post trigger shot (clomid days 5-9). I tested out the trigger shot at 7 days after trigger.
I am negative after POAS (Target early response) this AM. Am I testing too early? FWIW, my last few Clomid cycles (no trigger) were 26 days...I'm at CD28 days today.
When I did clomid and had trigger I was always 15 days after shot - so assuming I O'd the next day it was 14 days after that. I'd say still hold on. AF may come in a day or two or maybe you'll get a BFP, just hasn't shown up yet! But at least you know the trigger is out of you. I never tested early.
IUI alone doesn't change your cycle at all, but clomid definitely can. Since starting clomid a few months ago, my cycles went from 28 days on the dot, every single month, to 30-32 days. My doctor said its completely normal.
Thanks for all of the responses - I felt a little like I was losing my mind!
Still no signs of AF....
I called the nurse at my dr.'s office, and the dr. wants to wait until Monday to see if AF (or a positive) shows up. Otherwise, they'll give me a drug to kick-start AF.
My cycles are longer (28 days instead of 25) when I do femara and trigger shot. This cycle we did an IUI on day 14 and I didn't get a BFP until today which is 16 dpiui. Don't give up yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
My cycles are longer (28 days instead of 25) when I do femara and trigger shot. This cycle we did an IUI on day 14 and I didn't get a BFP until today which is 16 dpiui. Don't give up yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
My cycles are longer (28 days instead of 25) when I do femara and trigger shot. This cycle we did an IUI on day 14 and I didn't get a BFP until today which is 16 dpiui. Don't give up yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.