I'm 16 dpo, according to FF. My temp is still high. I know there is a small chance this cycle could have worked but I haven't tested yet because I have serious doubts that it did. My face has been breaking out and my chest hurts which is usually a sign AF is coming. Just curious for others what day you usually start your period? When I did ovulation meds I was always 14 days past. I didn't have any meds this cycle so I guess it could be delayed.
I'll test this weekend if it hasn't come yet because I'm craving a margarita I'm just annoyed/stressed because once AF comes I can start the IUI process so it's annoying if I get a BFN and yet it's still taking it's time.
I believe the generic answer is 14dpo. But everyone varies. Mine is usually closer to 17-18dpo usually.
Im on my first medicated IUI and I foolishly thought I'd get my period or a bfp on 14dpiui. Im now 15dpiui and have 3 bfns to show for it.
Even though Im usually an advocate for waiting til I'm a week late to POAS, I think you should test soon if you usually consistent on when you start! and then let us know how it goes!
Mine comes 90% of the time at 14dpo. But is has come as early as 11dpo and as late as 19dpo after medicated cycles which can throw everything off. Good luck!