This is off topic but I was just curious if any of you ladies that received a $15 off $50 reward card that isn't planning on using it give it to me? I would really appreciate it. My mother in law loves perfume so it would help me get her a gift. I hope I don't sound douchy. Thanks.
used mine, but it's not douchy to ask! You may want to start a thread, it might get lost in here. Good luck! As it nears the end of the window sometimes people realize they won't use it too, just a heads up.
This is off topic but I was just curious if any of you ladies that received a $15 off $50 reward card that isn't planning on using it give it to me? I would really appreciate it. My mother in law loves perfume so it would help me get her a gift. I hope I don't sound douchy. Thanks.
used mine, but it's not douchy to ask! You may want to start a thread, it might get lost in here. Good luck! As it nears the end of the window sometimes people realize they won't use it too, just a heads up.
Thank you, great idea. It's just that I've been on several message boards that jump all over newbies to the board. Everyone has always been very nice here but it seems so easy to offend people, I didn't want to.