I am not too wrinkly yet (age 30) but I was thinking about starting in another few years depending on how things are going. If you use botox on your face how often do you get it done and what is the approximate cost?
My husband would definitely be against it, not because of money, but for the whole botulism in your face aspect. But, I do what I want!
My best friend gets it and she's 31. Skinny people typically get wrinkles sooner that us plump folks, so at 34 I still don't feel like I need it. I'll definitely start when I think I need it, though! The cost really depends on how many units you need, which depends on what areas you need the injections. I think she goes around every 4 months and spends something like $500 for her forehead and the area between her eyes. She also gets fillers because she's really thin and losing collagen in her face. The fillers are even more expensive. She looks really fantastic, and I won't hesitate to get it done when I think it will be beneficial. It's perfectly safe and also looks natural when injected by a qualified doctor.
Right now I am still ok (age 30), but I have absolutely no problem doing it as soon as I start to see more wrinkles. My very pale skin shows everything and I have a feeling it won't be too long before I need it.
I have no answers to your questions. I'm 37, but this won't be on my radar for awhile, but this does seem like a good place for my own Botox questions (and even beyond my curiosity, you might find the answers helpful). Someone told me that the reason Kim Kardashian's face looks such a mess right now is because when you get Botox, you have to continue to maintain it basically always...true? She also said that you can't get it while you're pregnant and that weight gain or weight loss affects the look of the Botox...true?
You can't use it during pregnancy, bit that's true of a lot of stuff including topical retin a, which is great for the skin.
It's not true that you have to keep using it or you look like crap. Using it earlier actually helps prevent wrinkles according to my dermatologist, so of you use it for a while and then stop, your skin without Botox will actually look better than if you had never used Botox.
I don't know anything about Botox, but I assumed her face looked different because of pregnancy puffiness? I get majorly fat in the face when I'm pregnant.
No, I wouldn't judge a total pregnant chub face, but in the picture I saw, her face looked oddly lumpy. It looked like more than regular pregnancy puffy face, which is how the conversation started.
Lol @ GoDawgs, probably so.
Hmm, if her lumpy face is due to anything she did cosmetically, I'd guess bad fillers or implants and not Botox.
I am not too wrinkly yet (age 30) but I was thinking about starting in another few years depending on how things are going. If you use botox on your face how often do you get it done and what is the approximate cost?
My husband would definitely be against it, not because of money, but for the whole botulism in your face aspect. But, I do what I want!
I get Botox and am 32. I think I was 28 when I started. I have very fair freckly skin and the women in my family tend to age prematurely. I probably get it 2-3x per year and spend around $700 each time? I've also within the last six months gotten sculptra for the area under my eyes to correct some hollowness that was bothering me. I felt like I look tired all the time and was noticing wrinkles and bags... I'm probably insane but all of this really makes me feel good and it is an area I choose to splurge withme money. It is addicting though