I would rather make an entire man's suit than to alter my own things.
I want to slim down the legs on a pair of pants and I don't have time to take it to my seamstress (yes, I have a seamstress-see above!) because she is OOT and I want these for vaca next week.
SO, how do YOU do it; take in from the inseam, or the outer seam?
I haven't done it myself, but from what I've read online you can choose the inner or outer leg for most pants. If they're jeans or if they have set in side pockets you should alter the inner leg because of the way the outer leg's seams come together. One article said to be careful not to start too close to the hip because it can cause drag lines across the upper thigh and midsection. Every article said to test your method on an old pair of pants first so that you work the kinks out.
I would probably go with the inner leg myself. I'd think it would be less obvious if I screwed up than altering at the outer leg.