I just saw one of those dreaded, "I need rohome my cats because I've had a child and no longer have time for them" bs posts on my fb feed. I would like to post on my fb feed the, "I need to rehome my child because I got a new puppy/cat and no longer have time" but can't find it on the interwebs. Does anyone have it handy? Thank you in advance.
I think I know what you're talking about but I can't find it either. Is this someone you know well? This approach probably won't change their mind, but maybe sharing some information privately would go over better?
At the very least try to talk them out of taking it to a shelter, because owner surrenders usually go to the top of the euthanasia list (because if its owner doesn't want it, who will?).
It actually isn't someone I know very well. She's a fb friend not a friend and she is also not the type of person to take advice. She is the authority on everything. I've considered defriending her before...I'm trying to come up with a polite way to say it's not OK to get rid of perfectly behaved cats (yes, she admitted they are perfectly behaved, she just doesn't like the time she spends scooping litter and picking up hair.)
It actually isn't someone I know very well. She's a fb friend not a friend and she is also not the type of person to take advice. She is the authority on everything. I've considered defriending her before...I'm trying to come up with a polite way to say it's not OK to get rid of perfectly behaved cats (yes, she admitted they are perfectly behaved, she just doesn't like the time she spends scooping litter and picking up hair.)
I've been there, done that. You're not going to change her mind. And honestly? The cats are probably better off.
i know this isn't what you're looking for but this is the first thing i could find. <img src ="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/1016261_10151733305864432_768521174_n.jpg">