I contemplated labeling the post TMI, but then I supposed the whole board is somewhat TMI so hopefully this is okay to ask. For some reason I'm very embarrassed about this, but Google and my doctor are not being helpful.
I've had hemorrhoids most of my adult life, but they became a lot worse with this most recent pregnancy/birth. Now every time I have a BM (daily or every other day) it's so painful I almost cry. Blood drips into the water after and there's enough to soak maybe half a square of toilet paper? Then it pretty much goes away. Aches a little while, then I don't notice until the next day. Any size of BM hurts...I'm not straining at all and it doesn't seem like it should cause so much pain. Blood is bright red and pain is at the end so I figure external?
I take 250mg of Colace daily, upped my fiber intake, drink at least 6 bottles of water a day (usually more since I'm breastfeeding)...I use Tuck's wipes, witch hazel pads and hydrocortisone gel.
Nothing is helping. Is there a treatment I'm missing? Will sitz baths help heal? Is this something that will heal with time and at home care or might I need professional intervention?
I also spoke to my midwife in hopes of getting a referral to a GI. She said she will look at my next appointment in two weeks but I was hoping for something to help until then.