When I was pregnant in the Spring my doc prescribed me PregVit prenatal vitamins, when I m/c I stopped taking them, kept them and just took my OTC ones...I kept taking the OTC ones during my 2WW (I think I only missed 2 maybe) and then when I got my BFP I started taking the PregVit ones again - turns out, I really suck at taking the evening pill...in one week I have missed two but never miss a morning one...turns out the evening are the ones with stupid effing folic acid in them!!!! I know, it is two pills, and in the past 2 months I have been fairly consistent with my OTC pills, but it doesn't matter...I am barely a week into this and I already denied my child something it needs! lol.
You have to take two??? Are they horse pills also? I would struggle with that as well. I hate taking the one!
My dr prescribed me heavy duty PNVs which I had no problem taking until my MS got really bad. Switched to taking them at night, but I still felt like I would vomit them up ( the size, smell, way they made me feel). So for a good month, I alternated taking those on good nights and OTC ones ( that didnt make me sick) on bad nights. Of course at the end of this month, I had my glucose and blood work, which showed I was anemic and needed iron supplements. I immediately felt guilty for not taking the prescription consistently, even though there's a good chance I would have been anemic no matter what. I
I cannot wait to stop taking these pills. Don't beat yourself about it, you can't take them both at the same time?
I take an OTC prenatal at night and if I am out late or work ( I work nights) I forget to take it, which makes me feel really guilty. It wasn't quite as big a deal when we were still TTC but now that I am pg I feel terrible about it.
Post by awkwardpenguin on Aug 11, 2013 23:33:32 GMT -5
Popping in to say two things - that folic acid is sort of "cumulative" and so getting it in most of the time is good enough, and also can you switch the folic acid one to the morning or take both at once? DW has to take extra folic acid and apparently it doesn't matter when you take it.