It feels jinxy to even talk about this!! I am completely waiting for the other shoe to drop and can't even bring myself to make a ticker or really talk about it! Like I'll get attached and be heartbroken if it doesn't work out??? Haha, that ship has sailed.
I had an ultrasound yesterday and we saw not one but two heartbeats. The machine was so fuzzy I could hardly see and they didn't give me a heart rate and i can't see anything in my u/s printouts. So it feels unreal. But my RE claims all looks good and as of yesterday morning at least I was pregnant with twins!
My news is so-so...I thought I was 6w1d...they had me down as 5w6d and the u/s showed 5w5d...that part is fine, the down side is that while we did see a very slow heart beat, they couldn't see a yolk sac. I go back on Tuesday of next week for another u/s, they are hoping the yolk sac will be visible and that the heart rate will be higher.
Congrats Kersh, and I'm rooting for you rugbywife.
Oh, and we didn't tell anyone, not even our parents, until 11.5 weeks woth great ultrasounds and I didn't start a ticker until 12.5 weeks. Totally normal.
My news is so-so...I thought I was 6w1d...they had me down as 5w6d and the u/s showed 5w5d...that part is fine, the down side is that while we did see a very slow heart beat, they couldn't see a yolk sac. I go back on Tuesday of next week for another u/s, they are hoping the yolk sac will be visible and that the heart rate will be higher.
I was told that at this stage all those dating things are + or - 5 days so I wouldn't worry about that part at all. Seeing a heartbeat of any rate that early is a really good sign!
My news is so-so...I thought I was 6w1d...they had me down as 5w6d and the u/s showed 5w5d...that part is fine, the down side is that while we did see a very slow heart beat, they couldn't see a yolk sac. I go back on Tuesday of next week for another u/s, they are hoping the yolk sac will be visible and that the heart rate will be higher.
That's only a couple of days off. I am pretty sure the heartbeat is pretty slow when it first starts, and it's so early. Hopefully next week you'll get a better view. I think it's normal to not be able to see things that early. A week can make a huge difference. Fx that the little embie keeps growing!
It feels jinxy to even talk about this!! I am completely waiting for the other shoe to drop and can't even bring myself to make a ticker or really talk about it! Like I'll get attached and be heartbroken if it doesn't work out??? Haha, that ship has sailed.
I had an ultrasound yesterday and we saw not one but two heartbeats. The machine was so fuzzy I could hardly see and they didn't give me a heart rate and i can't see anything in my u/s printouts. So it feels unreal. But my RE claims all looks good and as of yesterday morning at least I was pregnant with twins!