Or where our protocol says I can annouce. I'm 11 days post-trigger and got a not so faint bfp this morning. I know it's early so there is a risk that it's still the hcg from the shot, but I don't think it is. That would be on the fringe of medically possible. I was planning to wait another 2 days and take another test before calling the dr because they said to test at 14 days post trigger.
If it's real I'm so not out of the woods because getting pregnant was never really our problem, it was always staying pregnant. Hopefully my lipids treatment will help me stay pregnant this time. Won't know for sure until about 13-14 weeks.
Yay! Now we can see if those crazy sounding treatments are working! How often do you do them? Will the protocol change now?
I do them every 4 weeks up until about 22weeks pregnant. So still have to keep going for awhile either way. I'm so nervous about not starting my lovenox shots though because that's what we thought worked to get DS out safe.
Yay! Now we can see if those crazy sounding treatments are working! How often do you do them? Will the protocol change now?
I do them every 4 weeks up until about 22weeks pregnant. So still have to keep going for awhile either way. I'm so nervous about not starting my lovenox shots though because that's what we thought worked to get DS out safe.
Are you on baby aspirin or anything? That would make me nervous, too. But there are so many women out there that have babies just fine and then have problems later, so I guess what "works" for one pregnancy may not for another. Fx that everything works this time!