I found my old copy of Sims 3 and installed it this weekend My Sim, Staci has the ambition to be Leader of the Free World and she's in a relationship with one of the female townspeople. What can I say, she was the first Sim that Staci met and they just really hit it off!
So yeah, let me know if you see any good sales on any expansions. What are your Sims up to?
My Sims aren't up to much of anything lately. I've spent the past few days designing my perfect Sim house. The end result is fabulous, if I do say so myself.
My sim finished her university term, upgraded her resort to a 5 star resort and is now working on her diving skill to find the next island.
Then I abandoned her to play Final Fantasy XIV. And I went back to work after a 5 week vacation, so my game time is limited. But it was my first time in the office since June when it all flooded. At least the AC works now. Which is completely irrelevant. Sorry!