Checked on him at 11:30pm before I went to bed. Covered him, made sure he was breathing (shut up) and all was good.
Walked in his room this morning at 7:30am...he was all smiles and happy as I approached the crib. As I reach down to pick him up I literally had a *blink blink* moment because there was puke ALLL OVER HIS SHEETS/BUMPER. DRIED puke. Also, it was in his ear and crusted on to one side of his face. As in, he puked some hours ago, then just rolled on over and fell back asleep. DH is a super light sleeper and was shocked he didn't hear it on the monitor.
Dude. Who DOES that?
He kept pointing and doing that 15mo old talking like "uh uh UH..uh uh uh heh uh UH" - translated into "look at that mom, haha, funny, what is that?"
Anyway, I took his temp - totally normal. He was laughing and totally himself and drank his bottle fine.
So - erm, anyone else's kid had a random throw-up? He didn't eat anything new or more than usual.
This is the kid that's going to make me gray before I hit 35.
Just a sensitive stomach thing? DH and I looked at each other this morning like "uh, so do we keep him home?" But he was seriously 100% himself. I didn't get a call from daycare, so fingers crossed it was a random incident SINCE MY KIDS HAVE BEEN SICK ON THE WEEKLY FOR THE PAST 4 WEEKS.
Also, he has a well baby check up tomorrow, so I can ask our Pedi about it then.
It would just hit him randomly, and then he would be fine.
This is why we roll our eyes at parents who bring their kids into the ER after vomiting once. Sometimes kids just throw up for no reason.
(Not that I'm comparing you to those parents, at all!)
Parents bring their kids to the ER for puking? Once? DUDE! lol.
YES. Parents bring their kids in for all kinds of stupid shit.
My favorite? Three-year-old has had an earache for an hour. AN HOUR. No fever, no other symptoms. Mom brought her in BY AMBULANCE at like midnight and then got pissed when she got triaged to the waiting room instead of directly to a bed.
I was a puker and so is Edith. And we're both puke and rally girls (which makes me think she'll be a party girl like mommy, god help me), which sounds like what N did.
My guess is he woke up sometime during the night and was sticking his fingers in his mouth. He probably got too far in there and triggered his gag reflex.
My guess is he woke up sometime during the night and was sticking his fingers in his mouth. He probably got too far in there and triggered his gag reflex.
You are a GENIUS! He's teething his canine's right now and has had his fingers in his mouth constantly lately. Ahhhhhhhhhh that makes total sense!
Jermys -- N leads me to believe he'll be of the "rallying" type as well. God help us.