Will someone remind me how long to wait before adding a second feeding of solids on a day? The boys started getting solids at dinner time but I can't recall for the life of me when I should start adding other meals.
I can't remember, but by 9m we were doing 3 meals a day. So sometime between 5.5m (when we started solids) and 9m (when we were doing 3 meals.) Helpful, huh?
We did one food at a time. Once we had a bunch of safe foods I made those a meal and made the new food the other meal. I'm helpful too :-)
Are you doing BLW?
Sorta. I have to work K up to it. She wasn't here when G started solids and I did BLW, so for her the thought of handing the boys a slice of pear freaks her out. It's purees if she is around, at least for the time being.